In gastric bypass surgery, the surgeon makes changes in the structure of your digestive system. The change in the digestive tube and the shrinking of the stomach causes the amount of food received by the body to decrease and due to the shortening of the small intestine, the absorption of food in the intestine is also reduced. Which results in weight loss.
CBC-BUN-Cr-Na-K- SGOT -SGPT-ALP-TSH-T3-T4- VitB12- Ca - P- FBS- HbA1C-Ferritin-TIBC-VitD3-CBC- HDL-LDL-Folate Serum
Cardiovascular specialist consultation (including electrocardiography, if necessary echocardiography) for people over 45 years old
7 Days in country
2-3 Days in hospital
2-4 weeks recovery
Sleeve gastrostomy package
Gastric sleeve surgery is a weight loss procedure performed on obese and overweight individuals. This surgical method involves reducing the stomach's size, which subsequently decreases appetite and leads to weight loss.
Procedure: Typically performed laparoscopically, gastric sleeve surgery entails removing a significant portion of the stomach, shaping it into a narrower, tube-like structure. This reduction limits food intake and absorption. By targeting the part of the stomach responsible for producing the hunger hormone, the surgery helps regulate appetite and reduce cravings.
• CBC-BUN-Cr-Na-K- SGOT -SGPT-ALP-TSH-T3-T4- VitB12- Ca- P- FBS- HbA1C-Ferritin-TIBC-VitD3-CBC- HDL-LDL-Folate Serum
• Cardiovascular specialist consultation (including electrocardiography, if necessary echocardiography) for people over 45 years old
• Endoscopy
Stay Duration:
7 Days in country
2-3 Days in hospital
2-4 weeks recovery
Follow up:one week after the operation, after that every two months up to one year
Type of anesthesia: General
To receive these services and other high-quality medical services, you can contact us through the link below.